This is the personal website of Chase Webb, a Computer Science and Mathematics student at the University of Missouri. I am currently working as a research assistant on a project doing human genome variant analysis using various public cloud infrastructures. My primary interests in the field are compilers, networking, and distributed systems.
I have been programming computers for nearly a decade at this point, primarily writing personal projects in languages such as C, C++, Java, and Python. Additionally, I have experience with various computing architectures, frameworks, and tools to build non-trivial applications. I am always looking to learn and develop as an engineer through developing new skills and honing existing ones. One such example of this is with the Rust programming language, which I have recently began to acquaint myself.
Below is a list of some of my projects:
- Programming language for distributed computing
- Cluster Monitoring Deployment using Prometheus and Grafana
- File transfer server/client using Homa transport protocol and gRPC
- Physics Engine
- Rudimentary Scripting Language
- Financial Planning Tool
- Ride-Sharing Web Application
- Library Management System with JavaFX
if these sound interesting to you, keep a lookout on this site, as I may be posting information about their development and or updates to them.